Sunday, April 10, 2011

Clothes in Arena

So, thanks to Gunslinger (Or Gunny1), I think I have a pretty workable model for clothing transformations that will still allow them to remain individual objects instead of just text from a table.

"GarmentStyle is a kind of value. The GarmentStyles are studly, manly, boyish, girlish, womanly and slutty.
GarmentSize is a kind of value. The GarmentSizes are extra large, large, medium, small, and extra small.
A garment is a kind of thing. A garment is wearable.
Every garment has a GarmentStyle. Every garment has a GarmentSize.
An upperwear is a kind of garment.
A pullover is a kind of upperwear.
Rule for printing the name of a pullover (called ThisShirt):
   if ThisShirt is studly, say "sweatshirt";
   if ThisShirt is manly, say "team jersey";
   if ThisShirt is boyish, say "t-shirt";
   if ThisShirt is girlish, say "tank-top";
   if ThisShirt is womanly, say "crop-top";
   if ThisShirt is slutty, say "tube-top".

A P1 is in the TestRoom. The P1 is a pullover. The P1 is studly.

A p2 is in the TestRoom. the P2 is a pullover. The P2 is manly."

This, as you can see, will change the name of a garment depending on one stat: it's GarmentStyle.  A simple action or mechanism to change the GarmentStyle will change a sweatshirt to a team jersey to a t-shirt and so forth.

The issue facing me now is simply that of descriptions of the clothing itself, but that's just a bunch of typing, very easily solved.

Now, the next project is to get this all put together and working in a draft model of the game itself, and begin work on the spellcasting system I plan to use.  And update the outline that I keep forgetting to do.  Or just putting off...

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