So, I've messed around a little with a few example games, getting ideas from their mechanics, and I have to say I like them.
A good example is a magic system. It requires you to actually learn the spells individually, though you can start with a few you know off the bat. You have to use a spell to memorize additional spells from scrolls you find. Casting spells requires a certain number of strength points, which work pretty much like mana, and may require you to have a focus item on hand to cast them. The more powerful spells consume the focus when cast, too.
This would be very handy, as not all the spells I'm thinking of should cost the same, much less be able to cast with ease. For example, a simple bust enhancement is a pretty simple matter, but changing a man further toward femininity is a much more complicated process, so it should be more difficult, and less often usable without a lot of effort. Then of course there are the curses that cause on-going changes, counter effects, ect. I am still trying to think up defenses against the spells.
Another thing is actual combat. Should I include weapons and critters to kill? I don't think I will, as it would just distract from the main theme of the game. But what to do if you can't cast a spell? Your options shouldn't be limited just to running away in that case. I'm thinking of allowing you to try and seduce them, plea with them for mercy, or some such, or maybe just trying to physically subdue them with your hands. I don't know yet.
The biggest hang up's so far are not being sure how I want to handle stats and their effects in the descriptions of people, a clothing system, and maps. The mall isn't going away, and in fact I plan to improve on it, but I also want to expand things a bit. Which means more places to go and things to see. A slightly less hectic and chaotic pace that will let the player actually have time to wander and explore without feeling like they are wasting time, and little things like that.
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